13th Hour - Better Off

I'm sitting here thinking again,
just wondering if I'll see you again
life has been hard like it always has,
But just like always my problems will pass
You were the reason my life sucked so hard
You're so lucky I took up guitar
You see, if I didn't have music as an escape,
I would have jumped you one night and beat in your face
But you see now, i'm not like that anymore
I have moved on but you'll always be a dirty whore
I know it sounds harsh, but I just speak the truth

You were my friend, my best friend at that
but we broke apart and you became fat
You ruined my life and I only wish,
That I never met you,
Mich you're a bitch!
Jr. High was a terrible time and all because of you
You got pissed because he chose me over you.
Haha! Now you see you don't always get
What you want you selfish little brat!
So just learn to deal with that.
It's not that hard, honest, I promise
but you'll never change, that's too hard for you to do

After all that has happened,
I'm only happy about one thing
That being I've rid myself of you
Now I have no regrets and I don't feel sorry
At least I know I'm the stronger woman for it, but you!
You will forever be a child